Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19

Today I was at a library with a friend of mine that was working on an essay for one of her classes. She decided to do her paper on Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister of Pakistan. My friend was telling me about how her professor told her that it's a good topic. What occurred to me is that the reason why this is a good topic is because Benzanir Bhutto was a female prime minister. This is a good topic because it's rare, especially in the predominantly Muslim countries. Writing a paper about a male prime minister wouldn't be as significant as about a woman prime mister. This one of those subconscious things that we don't really notice until they're pointed out to us. For instance, in some random country had a female president that would be a good essay topic for a lot of classes. However, a paper about a male president of same random country would probably not be as interesting.

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